Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I found that Iggy Artist on Etsy!

I was kicking myself for not having bought some Iggy Prints from an artist on Etsy. I searched for "Italian Greyhound" on Etsy, and couldn't find her that way. I also searched Ebay and I even googled "Iggy Bus" which is what I thought the title of one of her prints was. Well... this morning in the shower, I had an Ah-Ha! moment when I remembered that I may have saved her shop in my favorites! And I did! Her shop name is dreamdog, and she has a couple of really cute pastel iggy prints that I want: Iggybug (not Iggy Bus like I thought), Sweet Iggy and Come Float with Me. I hope there are any left because it says they're of limited editions of 100, and she's been selling them on Etsy since 2006. Anyway... her shop is down right now, but she said she'd re-post stuff starting on February 15... she's a little bit late so I hope that doesn't mean she's out of the selling business.

I sent her a convo and let her know how excited I am to have found her again, and that I'm anxiously awaiting her store to reopen!

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