Heeeerrrrreeee'sssss Truman! The first thing I did is bring out the camera to get some pictures of him. I took a ton, but only these 3 are any good!
He's a scrawny little thing that we need to fatten up. He's a little bigger than Iggy Pop, but he doesn't weigh as much as she does.
It is so funny how much like Iggy Pop he looks! Take a peek:
I'm going to try to get a photo of their faces side by side. Brian had his arm around Truman last night in the bed, and had I not known it was Truman, I would have sworn it was Iggy Pop instead.
He's only been here one day so we're still working out his personality and habits, but I wrote up a really good description for petfinder.com anyway. I e-mailed it to the Rescue Rep. this morning. #1. I hope she gets a move-on and posts it SOON (which is why I wrote it for her), and #2. that it's even good enough for her to want to post it since I spent alot of time writing it!
I wrote part of it from his perspective and part of it from his foster mom's (me) perspectitve.
Unfortunately he had a pretty bad seizure a 2:00 this morning. His last one was Friday so he's having them more than I thought. I'll take him to the vet next week and see what she says. Also, his teeth are awful, and he needs a dental.
The directions that came with him aren't very good. There were TWO bottles of pills from two different vets and each one had different mg of pills! The note said "1 tab AM, 1/2 tab PM". Out of which bottle???? I ended up throwing one bottle away because the pills were expired. Also, the label says 1/2 a pill twice a day; not a full pill in the morning. So, I'm assuming the full pill in the morning is the increase I heard about through the grapevine. The label also says he has to be reevaluated in 3 weeks and there are no refills. Well, there aren't enough pills for three weeks so I'm also assuming the reevalution is due soon. The note says he has seizures every 7-12 days. His note also says "1-5 min warning; 3-10 min Grand Mal; 20-50 min post." Poor, poor dog.
He also came with a thick stack of vet paperwork that I need to read.
I just feel so sorry for this little dog it's not funny.
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