Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Biggy Iggy Auction: Week 3

The Biggy Iggy Auction started May 3, 2009. Check it out: http://www.biggyiggyauction.com/.

Oh YAY! I forgot that this starts Week 3 of the Biggy Iggy Auction! Three sets of my cards are up for auction! The Birthday Set is up to $13.50; the Thinking of You Set is up to $14.50. The fabric IG cards haven't been bid on yet, but they've been viewed 21 times. Surely SOMEBODY will bid on them? I hope so.

My I♥MyIggy cards and the handmade scrapbook didn't make it in Weeks 4 or 5 either. Weeks 6, 7 and 8 only have a couple of things listed so far so they still need to finish posting stuff for those weeks. I hope my stuff hasn't been overlooked somehow?

The reason I remembered to check the auction was that Alice Espey sent out a nice reminder e-mail with everyone's names who have won items during the previous week and for all of the people who donated items for this week. That was really nice.

Now that I know that Alice is alive, she'd better send me an e-mail about Truman!

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