Saturday, May 9, 2009

More new software books

I just ordered The Missing Manual for Windows Vista because I got on the Polaroid My Memories Suite website to see if it is Vista compatible, and it says "yes, as long as it's run in Administrator mode" (now what in the heck does that mean???!!!). That book is about 850 pages thick so there must be ALOT of new stuff with Vista.

While I was ordering books, I also got a how-to book for CorelDraw X4. I can't remember the name of it, but X4 books seem to be very rare, and I had to spend $30+ to get it. I am VERY proficient in version 12, but I'm sure there's a bunch of stuff that I don't know since I'm self-taught (all by punching buttons like mad until I quasi-figured out what to do).

Doesn't it figure that I've bought all these books for Adobe CS2 and Dreamweaver 8, and I won't be using those anymore because of my new Vista computer. I guess I can donate them to the library. I'm glad I bought them used and didn't spend too much money on them.

Shesh! Me and all my software books! I'm totally running out of bookshelf space!

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