Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Website for the YMCA

Yesterday, the executive director of the YMCA where I used to work e-mailed me and asked me if I would barter with them. They'll buy Adobe Creative Suite 4 for me to use if I'll design and maintain a website for them. You bet I will--even though I don't have a clue HOW to make a website! I'm totally drooling over that software.

The only problem is that they can't order the CS4 until July because they've already bought their alotment of non-profit software. So, in the meantime, they have a spare copy of an older version of Dreamweaver that I can use to work on the website. I asked what version it is so I can buy a how-to book. It's Dreamweaver 8. I guess version 9 is when Adobe "took over" from Macromedia and made it part of CS3. So, version 8 is not THAT old, but still... it's not that new, either!

I checked out for books, and they are still available. I found two that I wanted, but they're $30 each, and I don't want to pay that much for old software when I'll just need to buy another book for CS4 when it arrives!

So, I bought Dreamweaver 8: The Missing Manual (4-1/2 stars) and Dreamweaver 8: Design and Construction (5 stars) from a used bookstore called Auriga Distribution. The first book was $2.71; the second book was $13.85. With shipping, it was $25--MUCH better than $60 for new books. Really, who cares if they're used books? Not me!

Anyway, the ED e-mailed me some examples of YMCA websites he likes and a couple of those he hates. I just hope I can design something cool that he'll like!

I need to get a move-on on learning Photoshop because I know there are some cool buttons and text/graphics I can use on website pages.

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