Sunday, April 26, 2009

Original Pastel of an Italian Greyhound!!!

Oh, YAY, YAY, YAY!!! I just checked out Mary Detwiler's Etsy store again, and guess what I found? Another original pastel of an Italian Greyhound! How great is that??? So, of course, I BOUGHT IT!!! (Brian's gonna kill me!).
I don't think Mary will mind if I post links to her website and her Etsy Store since told me on my last pastel purchase that it was okay.
This time, I'm not sure if the little dog looks like Iggy Pop or Stuart Little--doesn't matter, it's an original piece of artwork, and I HAD to have it!
Here's a photo of the art work:

And, what's really funny is that I have photos of both Iggy Pop and Mylo with tulips:

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