Tuesday, March 24, 2009

TwiztidBlood, I know you're reading this!

I am soooo happy that TwiztidBlood recieved her package of 1.5" squares! She is definitely happier to have recieved them than whoopdeedoo_5! She actually counted how many I sent her! No way! There were 1586! I guessed less than 1000.

Yesterday, she told me she tried to stalk me to see what I like, but that I'm very hard to stalk. I don't have anything filled out on my Craftster profile (I've been meaning to do that, but I just haven't yet). I know she found me on Ravelry and that probably led her to my blog which, in turn, led her to my Flickr. And, on all of those things, I'm sure she found out that I'm a beginner crocheter, I used to live on an island and I have a bunch of pets. Beyond that, I'm so boring it's not funny!

Anyway, we're going to do a personal swap. She'd like to make a quilt from all of the squares I sent her, but she needs 750 more laser-cut squares in exchange for... I don't know what???? I told her I love anything handmade--I don't care what it is! I need to stalk her and see what she can make.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haahahha, hi!
Im starting to stalk you on your blog and flickr now :) You really should make a wist and fill out your craftster profile :)