Thursday, March 5, 2009

More about our closing...

I can't believe I didn't write about our loan closing! We STILL haven't closed! We went to the bank on Monday afternoon to sign. We were cruising along signing everything, but realized that the payoff amount for our other loan was $5000 off! Then, after digging through the rest of the paperwork, we found the loan amount was wrong, too! So in the middle of having signed a bunch of papers we had to stop.

So then on Tuesday, I didn't hear a word from anybody at the bank. I called at 3:00 to find out the status. At 3:20, I got an E-MAIL from the loan officer who said he's "working on it" (I guess he's too afraid to call!).

So yesterday rolls around, and I didn't hear a single word out of anybody at the bank. When BGR got home, he marched up to the bank and complained and told them we're ready to close our accounts and move elsewhere. And that if they can't do the loan for us if they will just COMMUNICATE that to us instead of US having to initiate all the communication!

What a complete and total fiasco this has been.

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