Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hancock's Remnant Quilt

The Hancock's Remnants Quilt is finished! It's supposed to have borders around it, but I don't like it well enough to add them!

This is a pattern from the book, Modern Art with Fabric. I like the pattern alot, I'm just not thrilled with the Amy Butler fabrics I used--and actually, I don't mind the brown print, it's the yellow with the circles that I don't like (it's too "straight"). That fabric is hard to see in the picture, but trust me, it sticks out like a sore thumb.

I'm not sure what I was doing wrong, but there are only four seams that should have lined up, and I didn't get a single one of them to align! And I'm talking about being WAY off! Ugh! I hate it when that happens!

So... what am I going to do with this top. I have lots of experiementing I intend to do, and this is a good candidate for all of that. I want to TRY basting and machine quilting on my machine (and I'm just talking about machine quilting with my walking foot--not free-motion quilting which I already know is too far out of my reach from having taken that class). Or... I could use this for the long arm class I intend to take. And, finally, I want to try sewing on the binding again.

The first time I tried sewing on binding was a total fiasco and I swore I would never ruin a quilt by doing that again. However, since then, I've bought a stitch-in-the-ditch foot, and I've picked up a few tips from the Sharon Schamber You Tube videos for GLUING on the binding first before sewing it down (no pins necessary!). I'm definitely intrigued and can't wait to try it out.

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