Friday, January 30, 2009

SewConnected Quilt Group

I'm in a virtual quilting bee called SewConnected. There are 15 of us. We each send out fabric during our assigned month and everybody works on a block for us and sends it back. So far, I've had alot of fun working on blocks for both myself and for other people. However... this month's fabric is VERY HARD to work with! The sender sent out 8 pieces of fabric which should be enough to work with, however, she wants a block no smaller than 10" (which means 10.5" unfinished). This wouldn't be a big deal except that she only sent out 9" x 5" pieces of fabric! I'm going to have to piece together the fabric to get it to 10.5"! Shesh! I don't even have a CLUE what I can make. I'm going to have to cut some of my fabric into 9x5 pieces and then try cutting those dimensions into a workable block. This is really challenging me, and it makes me very nervous. I hope I can come up with something nice for her.

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