Monday, January 26, 2009

Flower Scarf

I'm sooooo excited! Last week I made crocheted flowers that I turned into a scarf! It's partially based on the "Garden Scarf" in The Happy Hooker book, but I used the "Framed Flower" from 201 Crochet Motifs, Blocks, Projects and Ideas instead--only I just used the flower without the border around it. I'm not sure how many flowers I made; more than 14, but less than 21. It was actually 4 flowers too long so I had to take those off.

I used a tapestry needle to sew them all together (which took for-ever to do).

I was so proud of it that I wore it out to dinner on Saturday night, and not as outerwear, but as part of my outfit (with a black sweater--which looked awesome with it). I was sooooo happy that the girls commented on it. They couldn't believe I made it, and they were so complimentary of it which made me feel really, really good because I spent ALOT of time making the stinking thing, and I WANTED them to notice!

There's NO WAY I could ever make a scarf to sell. It takes me too long to make one. Each flower took me about 30 minutes to make, and then it probably took me 1-1/2 hours to sew it together. So that means an average of 18 flowers at 30 minutes apiece plus sewing time = 10.5 hours! That's a long time to spend making a single scarf. BUT... they would make perfect gifts to give, and I should get on the ball and start working on Christmas gifts NOW!

I need to figure out a way to photograph it so I can post it (I'll try to do that today).

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