Here are photos of the fabric I bought while I was at home visiting my mother. This first photo is stuff from Hancock's of Paducah. Most of it is from the remnant table, and I got it for $4.98/yard.
And here are four red, cream and blacks that I got at Backyard Fabrics in Farmington, KY for $4/yard! I bought 3 yards of each one.
Now I have to decide if I want to use the remnant mix for my block swap or the reds (plus a solid black Kona cotton that I already have). Or... if I should start all over with other fabrics...?
The dilemma is that I don't know if I have enough of the remnant mix to make a good-sized quilt. Plus, in my mind's eye, I have the vision of a really cool quilt I'd like to make with it. Second, I think I may want to make a quilt for my stepdad out of the reds (I hope he won't read this because if I don't make it, he'll be disappointed).
So... do I start all over with $9.50/yard fabric from the quilt stores around here (I'm leaning toward some orange Amy Butler I saw the other day) or do I go with what I bought while I was in KY? That is the question of the day!
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